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Donna Bellezza Donna Trattamenti viso Donna Detergenti e struccanti Donna Detergenti e struccanti Avril
Prodotto Partner
Riferimento Prodotto: 23875202
3-in-1 Certified Organic Cleanser 50ml - Altri
13,46 €
3-in-1 Certified Organic Cleanser 50ml
13,46 €
presente in Stock
  • Unica
    presente in Stock
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Descrizione Discover Avril's Certified Organic 3-in-1 Cleanser, your daily ally for flawless skin. Combining the benefits of activated charcoal, white clay, and organic aloe vera, this multifunctional product gently cleanses, exfoliates, and masks, while being vegan and certified organic. Avril's Certified Organic 3-in-1 Cleanser is a must-have for those looking for an all-in-one skincare solution. Specially formulated for combination to oily skin, this cleanser combines the purifying properties of activated charcoal, the soothing effect of white clay, and the protective virtues of organic aloe vera. Each application leaves the skin fresh, clean, and revitalized, ready to face the day with confidence.Enriched with organic apricot kernel powder, Avril's Certified Organic 3-in-1 Cleanser provides a gentle yet effective exfoliation, removing dead skin cells without harming the skin. This unique formula is ideal for blemish-prone skin, helping to reduce breakouts while maintaining the skin's natural balance. Certified organic by Ecocert and environmentally friendly, this product is an ethical choice for those who value sustainability in their beauty care.Avril is committed to providing high-quality skincare with natural ingredients. The Certified Organic 3-in-1 Cleanser is proof of this commitment, blending innovation and nature. Whether you use it as a daily cleanser, light exfoliant, or purifying mask, this Avril product ensures beautiful and healthy skin, supporting your beauty without compromising ethical values. Embrace a simple and effective skincare routine with Avril.
Codice riferimento prodotto 23875202

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